Fast, Professional and
Exceptional Services

We partner with leading technology providers to offer the best of breed solutions that can be easily tailored to individual business organisations. Our long-term approach to clients’ needs means that solutions delivered have long-term value yet flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing business environment.

We create a Unique Network configured to suit your business, whether in-house, hosted or cloud-based, our consultants are highly skilled and experience to transform existing networks or build new one as required.

We utilise first-class network components and a thorough understanding of network design framework to deliver best practice across the board.

We offer a full range of services aimed at addressing everything from technology deployment, network transformation and optimization with a view to assure an optimal end user experience.

Before we design the network infrastructure, it is vital that we understand how the existing network infrastructure has been and will be used going forward. During our initial investigation, we seek to understand:

  • What the current shape of the organisation is, and how it might change in future?
  • What the desired functionality and user experience is?
  • How your organisation wishes to work? Who will access what systems from where and how?
  • What budgetary limitations are applicable?

By answering such questions, we are able to design a network around your business and its evolving needs. Beyond this, Magmal has an excellent track-record in installation and project management.

We have delivered networks for as few as ten users, as well as for hundreds of users located over multiple locations.