Fast, Professional and
Exceptional Services

We partner with leading technology providers to offer the best of breed solutions that can be easily tailored to individual business organisations. Our long-term approach to clients’ needs means that solutions delivered have long-term value yet flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing business environment.

Our team are able to manage single projects including all internal or external stakeholders or the entire programme or portfolio on your behalf. This means that you no longer have to have internal project managers with the associated costs. We can be located onsite or offsite depending on client’s preference.

Large, complex IT projects are not regular occurrences for most businesses. Typically, there will be significant business implications and considerations to manage alongside technology deliverables, which might not always be obvious. Magmal supply experienced Project Managers in a competitive and flexible business model to help organisations implement complex and time-consuming IT projects.

Major IT projects are a lot of work and can easily become bogged down without constant attention. Moreover, efficient IT departments have to balance competing business priorities. Magmal does the project “heavy lifting” for you, and we work closely with internal stakeholders for support with key decision making, raising risks and issues and progress updates.

Organisations are rapidly progressing and employing different strategies to align their services and solutions with the volatile and ever-changing nature of the market. Along with the constantly evolving and developing business domains even the project management methodologies and tools have matured. The simple principle to achieve success in the execution of any project is by seamlessly bridging people, processes, and technologies. As the one-size-fits-all trend slowly fades, the traditional waterfall methodologies are now being replaced with modern strategies.

These modern or even hybrid strategies are best suited for scenarios where the business projects are to be managed over a vast work base and there is imperative requirement of multiple project managers. Thus, the present corporate business work is searching for a significant number of project managers who are equipped with the right knowledge and skill to handle hybrid project management strategies. Besides, the managers should not exclusively be working for one prescriptive methodology but are well-versed in multiple methodologies.

With the wake of new project management methodologies evolving across industries, project managers are now implementing collaborative, mobile, and social networking tools to carry out tasks from anywhere, anytime.

With efficient project management tools, managers can seek accurate information regarding the projects and ensure that all entities are in place — be it the files, invoices, client proposals, budget information or client communication collateral.