Fast, Professional and
Exceptional Services

We partner with leading technology providers to offer the best of breed solutions that can be easily tailored to individual business organisations. Our long-term approach to clients’ needs means that solutions delivered have long-term value yet flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing business environment.

Our IT Audits are designed to provide you with the insights required to improve your IT Strategy and meet your objectives.

Taking lead from the client, one or more of our Associates will thoroughly and professionally audit your businesses IT Strategy. Focusing on your technology, talent, strategy, and governance, although considering any objectives or criteria the client wishes us to review specifically.

The time required for the audit depends upon the size of business, client requirements and any specific objectives. Upon completing the IT Audit, our Associates will present back their findings and recommendations in full. At this stage, as the client it is then down to you to decide how you wish to take your IT Strategy forward.

Our IT audit is a comprehensive and expert overview of your IT and technology’s current performance, helping you understand where improvements can be made and opportunities can be taken advantage of.

Our Associates are senior level IT Directors and Chief Technology Officers with experience in various businesses across multiple industries. You can rest assured that with an IT Audit from Magmal, no stone will be left unturned and you will be left with full clarity on where your IT currently stands and various ways that you can improve it and ultimately deliver on your IT Strategy.

Our IT Audits are usually conducted on site. One of our Associates will visit your business and essentially hold an IT Audit workshop to gather all the information required and then present it back in the form of an IT Audit that also outlines how your IT Strategy can be taken forward.