Fast, Professional and
Exceptional Services

We partner with leading technology providers to offer the best of breed solutions that can be easily tailored to individual business organisations. Our long-term approach to clients’ needs means that solutions delivered have long-term value yet flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing business environment.

An electronic document management system is a software designed to organise and store documents of different kinds or forms electronically designed to help with organisations with storage of digital or paper documents.

Although eDMS was designed to handle digital documents, it can b used for storage of paper documents also. The software can likewise handle digital scanned copies of original paper documents.

With the EDMS, you can store a large volume of digital documents centrally, and BamerDoc is designed with great features for proper efficiency!

Although there are some similarities between eDMS and the Content Management System (CMS), however, a major difference between the two solution is that eDMS is predominantly used for archiving, while the Content Management System is used to handle a number of web contents centrally – that is, from a central website.

Our document management solution contain a web-based user interface that performs operations including file sharing, setting security roles, and finding and auditing enterprise records and registers. By using our document management system, users can easily communicate and collaborate with one another. Documents are not created or consumed in a vacuum – information is created for a purpose.

Furthermore, the flow of documents through the business cycle can be tracked and managed, from sharing and collaboration, through approval, to reviews and revisions. Even if your start from paper documents, you can digitalise them and then let the document management software to handle their conversion into digital documents and organisation in “filing cabinets”.

To ensure that digital documents are classified accordingly, many information systems rely on a comprehensive process for the storage of documents, with certain elements known as metadata inclusive. With the metadata around a document, easy access to essential details is provided to those who are looking for what they need in archives; be it by keywords, chronology, topic, or other related strategies. Most times, the precise documentation for original storage protocols is an essential part of what rates an electronic document management system so valuable to an organisation or a business.

Share and Collaborate

In the last decade, document management solutions have evolved from simple document imaging to more complex tasks like workflow, editing and collaboration.

Our electronic document management system(edms) helps your employees to save time by finding the right information exactly when it’s needed. Empower your teams to share, access, enrich, and store high-quality content in a single place and improve. BamerDoc implements both content management and records management and can manage all of your organisation’s documents and valuable intelligence in a secure archive that spans the entire company. Create, distribute, and improve records within team collaborative workspaces while ensuring proper approval and reviews with positive workflow.


You have the system in place into your Server (Windows, Linux or Mac OS X operating systems) with local file systems. BamerDoc comes with an embedded database and does not require the installation of additional components.

Shared Server

The best use of BamerDoc is as a shared service. You can install BamerDoc on a server that is accessible to all the workstations in your organization. This approach allows you to easily store documents in a central repository.

BamerDOC Cloud

This is the cloud based approach. This solution allows you to use BamerDoc on our servers cloud storage without having to install anything, always online 24/7.